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How to buy / sell cryptocurrencies directly and securely?

Polish cryptocurrency exchange operating on the market since 2015. Buy / sell cryptocurrencies directly – without the intermediation of stock exchanges and without the intermediation of investment companies

FlyingAtom zakup kryptowalut

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Do you need to make a quick and secure transaction? With FlyingAtom you will carry out a one-off transaction, you can also establish permanent cooperation with us.

FlyingAtom FAPL – cryptocurrency exchange with electronic payments, OTC service

Buying and selling cryptocurrencies in an OTC (over-the-counter) system, in direct relations

Payments by bank transfer, money orders and other forms of electronic money

Direct private transactions, personalized services

We have been on the market for over 4 years, we have served thousands of customers along with their satisfaction with our services

What is FlyingAtom OTC service?

FlyingAtom OTC is the purchase and sale of cryptocurrencies that takes place outside the public markets of cryptocurrency exchanges, in a direct customer-FlyingAtom relationship. We offer adequate liquidity and private, personalized service for institutions and people who need to complete transactions in the fiat (EUR, PLN) payment mode against cryptocurrency. The FlyingAtom OTC team provides trade and settlement services that are discreet, secure and highly competitive.

The minimum transaction value

In the OTC system, we support transactions with a minimum value of 10 thousand PLN (or EUR 2.5 thousand), while for handling smaller transactions or non-electronic transactions (for cash) we invite you to our exchange office

Individual service

It includes precise service at every stage, from initial consultations to transaction execution, with transaction reporting and market insight. We work with the customer throughout the process to answer all questions, and the goal is to build a comfortable, long-lasting relationship.

    Basic forms of electronic payment

    We provide our clients with EUR and PLN payment channels:

    • Domestic Elixir, Express Elixir and Sorbnet transfers
    • SEPA European transfers and SEPA Target
    • Postal transfers
    • Transfers via other electronic payment channels

    Expert approach to the market

    Team members have extensive experience in the cryptocurrency trading industry. As an OTC customer, you will receive a trade summary each time, and you can also use expert opinions on the current cryptocurrency market.

    Additional elements for your comfort

    Even if you are completely newbie of what a cryptocurrency is and how to ensure safe and security when buying / selling a cryptocurrency, we will explain the details and help you acquire basic knowledge.

      Virtual currencies supported

      How it’s working?

      1. Information

      Start by sending an email to or by phone on +48 501 801 169 with a question and contact details to yourself.
      To buy or sell a certain amount of virtual currencies directly and using electronic payments, start by contacting us to determine the scope of the transaction and prepare the appropriate documentation.

      2. Documentation

      To become an OTC customer, you must go through the standard documentation preparation process, where we map your needs and our capabilities to fulfill them, as well as fulfill the obligations related to GDPR, etc.

      3. We communicate

      We create a communication line with you via chat in Telegram or Whatsapp, email or SMS about the planned transaction.

      4. Confirm exchange

      You decide if you want to buy at the offered price. If you agree, the transaction will be confirmed.

      5. Making an exchange

      After receiving your transfer, our employee will send the assets along with an email confirming the details of the transaction.

      Contact us

      4 + 10 =

      FAPL SP. Z O.O.

      Company address

      st. Adama Mickiewicza 3, 40-092 Katowice

      TIN: PL9542782305

      NCR: 0000696416
